Time & Location
Nov 24, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST
About the Event
Dear PV/Med Info colleague,
On behalf of the Pharmacovigilance and Medical Information Network (PvN-MI) organizers and co-chairs, Robert Milne and Marie-Ange Noué from EMD Serono, the Innomar Strategies Pharmacovigilance and Medical Information team is pleased to invite you to the next PvN-MI remote teleconference to be held on Wednesday November 24, 2021 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
We are pleased to share some agenda items below to provide a flavor of topics to be discussed this year. The meeting is separated in 2 sessions:Session 1 will cover Pharmacovigilance topics and session 2 will cover Medical Information topics.
Pharmacovigilance topics:
· Canadian DIA 2021
· Speaker: Health Canada presentation on ICH E19 implementation
· Topics suggested by participants in the inscription questionnaire
Medical Information topics:
· Update on PvN-MI Association (CPS MI project)
· Canadian Med Info guidelines project status
· Topics suggested by participants in the inscription questionnaire
Please confirm your participation by completing the below online questionnaire by November 05, directly from the PvN-MI Website. Please include topics that you would like to be discussed in addition to the suggestions above. Registration will provide you access to both sessions, however you may attend only one or both at your convenience.
Should you have any questions or need assistance pertaining to this event, please contact Annie Tougas at atougas@innomar-strategies.com, or at (514) 210-4035.
Looking forward to valuable discussions,
The Organization Team